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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A 3-D Summer

 Are you planning to see a 3-D movie this summer?

I had recently gone to a 3-D movie with my husband and we were given a pair of 3-D glasses to enjoy the movies "special effects" and even though the glasses were packaged in a sealed plastic bag I still had to wonder about the cleanliness of the glasses that would be planted on my face  and a blink away from my eyes.  I used to be a teacher, so I know how sickness can be passed and how it can spread within a heartbeat, but I digress.  In the spirit of the movie I put my glasses on and watched the movie and later deposited the glasses in the return bin in the middle of the theater lobby and didn't give it another moments thought.

A week after our 3-D experience I had been flipping through an issue of Good Housekeeping when an article about 3-D glasses jumped out at me.  "I knew it!", I groaned.  The article stated  that Good Housekeeping had tested seven pairs of 3-D glasses, three of which came in the plastic bag, and four of which did not.  Since the 3-D glasses are not allowed to be taken home Good Housekeeping took samples of all seven pairs of 3-D glasses and sent the swabs to be tested at an independent lab in Cinnaminson, NJ.

The Findings:
* NONE of the glasses tested were found to be STERILE

* Most of the glasses tested were found to have bacteria, but none serious enough to be alarmed at

* One unwrapped pair was found to be contaminated with Staphylococcus aureaus, which can cause skin infections, conjunctivitis (pinkeye), food poisoning, and even pneumonia

Good Housekeeping Suggested:
* Clean the glasses with an alcohol wipe and this should reduce the bacteria by 95%

* A good wash of soap and water in the bathroom was almost as effective as the alcohol wipe

* Wiping the glasses with only a tissue only wiped 66% of the germs away

So, if you're headed to the movies this summer and a 3-D movie happens to be on your list  of things to see plan to do a little (Good) housekeeping and keep it safe.

* Original article can be found in the July issue of Good Housekeeping


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